Reference: Koymans, M.R., Langereis, C.G., Pastor-Galan, D., and van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., An online multi-platform open source environment for paleomagnetic data analysis, Computers and Geosciences, Volume 93, Pages 127–137 (2016)

Miscellaneous Portal: Home

This portal includes multiple tools with a distinctive input and output.

NTR Analysis

The net rotation of a dyke (including any component of tilt and vertical axis rotation) is calculated as a single rotation around an inclined axis, which restores the in situ remanence direction to its initial orientation (reference pole) and the dyke to its initial vertical position. This technique allows the user to calculate the rotation parameters of the deformation experienced by the dyke and its initial orientation.

Oroclinal Test

Allows bootstrapped linear regressive methods on bi-dimensional data (e.g. strike and declination). Also includes an oroclinal foldtest.

PalPole Implementation

Converts between poles and directions for a given site location.


Plot declination/inclination against a binary column